Bone Scintigraphy: Basic Principles, Pitfalls and Pearls
P: 1-7
March 2022

Bone Scintigraphy: Basic Principles, Pitfalls and Pearls

Nucl Med Semin 2022;8(1):1-7
1. Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Nükleer Tıp Anabilim Dalı, İzmir, Türkiye
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Publish Date: 15.04.2022


Bone scintigraphy is a preferred examination because of its low cost, easy access and detection of skeletal lesions with high sensitivity. However, since its specificity is low, it is very important to evaluate the findings by considering the clinical history, possible variants and artifacts or mimic lesions. In this review, the basic physiopathological mechanisms that form the basis of imaging in bone scintigraphy, sources of error and pitfalls that should be considered for differential diagnosis in diagnostic evaluation and are frequently encountered are discussed.


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