Characteristics of Radioisotope Generators and Mo-99/Tc-99m Generator
P: 58-64
March 2023

Characteristics of Radioisotope Generators and Mo-99/Tc-99m Generator

Nucl Med Semin 2023;9(1):58-64
1. Ege Üniversitesi Nükleer Bilimler Enstitüsü, Nükleer Uygulamalar Anabilim Dalı, İzmir, Türkiye
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Publish Date: 17.04.2023


Technetium-99m (Tc-99m) is a widely used radioisotope for imaging in nuclear medicine. Annual use of Tc-99m is approximately 85% of all nuclear medicine applications due to its 140 electronvolt pure gamma energy and short half-life of 6 hours. Tc-99m is usually provided to hospitals through a [Molybdenum (Mo-99)/Tc-99m] radionuclide generator system. In this review, the working principle of the Mo-99/Tc-99m generator, the quality control of the generator and the features that an ideal generator system should have are explained. Also, recently, alternative production routes were mentioned for Tc-99m being explored due to interruption of the global supply chain of Mo-99 produced in the reactor.


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