Is Dosimetry Necessary in the Treatment of PRRT?
P: 310-315
November 2021

Is Dosimetry Necessary in the Treatment of PRRT?

Nucl Med Semin 2021;7(3):310-315
1. Würzburg University, Department of Nucleear Medicine, Würzburg, Germany
2. Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nuclear Medicine, İstanbul, Türkiye
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The usage of European Medicines Agency and United States Food and Drug Administration approved Lu-177 DOTATATE for the peptide receptor radionuclide therapies especially for the patients with Neuroendocrine tumors are accelarating continuously in the past years. Since the optimal treatment schedule concerning the Lu-177 DOTATATE PRRT was not standardized yet, it is a hot topic in research area. In this manuscript, the main aim is to summarize the current status of the requlations regarding to the patient-specific dosimetry in the Lu-177 DOTATATE PRRT including the results of the related studies. In addition, dosimetry approaches for the Lu-177 DOTATATE PRRT as well as their limitations were reviewed briefly.


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